Don’t Adjust Poverty Levels with Chained CPI

These comments were filed by Kathleen Gmeiner on June 21, 2019 with the federal Office of Management and Budget. Thanks to the Georgetown Center for Children and Families (CCF) and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) who provided much of the material on which these comments were based. The CCF comments can be found

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Franklin County Poverty Reduction Blueprint Solid with Room to Improve

In early June 2019 the Franklin County Commission released Rise Together: A Blueprint to Reduce Poverty in Franklin County at, following nearly a year of gathering information and working with stakeholders.  It began a public process of taking the plan to the community in a series of public meetings.  These comments were prepared by Kathleen

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Census, Citizenship Question in Turmoil

This blog was originally posted in March, 2018. Since then, the lawsuit challenging the addition of the citizenship question to the 2020 census  has been heard by the U.S. Supreme Court and the Court ruled on June 27, 2019 that the question could not be included in the census because the Court found the justification

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Nonprofit Board Blog

Frequently Asked Questions: Board Issues I am a brand spanking new Executive Director and only have vague knowledge of boards.  Where can I get a crash course on boards? The operative word in this question that you want to avoid is “crash.” After 40+ years of working with and for nonprofit boards I can honestly

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